Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Stereotype----> Its about Ethnic Group

Do you know guys what the meaning of stereotype??? Yeaahh from the lecturing last Thursday I get the meaning of the stereotype there are oversimplified idea or image about a certain group of people that is widely accepted by other.
 From understanding the above stereotype I have a view about tribal people still living in the Interior, as well as in the forest. From that I see like on television they have not touched the outside world full of grandeur and sophistication. Those tribes of the Interior is still very hold fast to their belief that as long as it's own cherished beliefs. They did not yet know advanced technology such as mobile phones, computers, internet, email, and so on. Even if they were among a group who are sick, they never went to the doctor at all, they just make own concoction of natural materials they are looking for from the deep forest, and amazingly their sick can be cured.
Once a time when there was a television covering their lives, and they are given a mobile phone to communicate, they refused, because it might according to them if there is something new in their lives precisely will destructive the lives they already went through during this time. Maybe they want to continue living naturally blend with nature. They can still survive by means of them, such as hunting for food.
But there is one that is unique, there is a new culture which already can they receive that is dressed up, they're going to get dressed, although not at any time they want to wear these clothes.
Ok guys, please give your opinion ...

8 komentar:

  1. Nice post teman....
    Pemerintah ataupun kita sendiri terkadang lupa kalau masih ada saudara" kita yang hidupnya sangat jauh dari perkembangan dan kemajuan tekhnologi seperti yg teman tulis pada artikel di atas,,,
    Lets we start a Revolutions :)

  2. it's great to know that we are live together with many different ethnic in this country.
    I also ever heard about some ethnic that still live in the forest, they choose to live traditionally and refused technology.
    but, whatever thay are,we have to appreciate their choice, their life, their tradition because it is unique and make Indonesia rich of cultures.

  3. Setelah baca ne Posting jadi pngen liat acara di trans TV (Ethnic Runaway),,, hehehheh...
    ne posting nunjukin kalo bangsa Indonesia memppunyai kebudayaan yang beraneka ragam,,,,,
    sebagian kecil dari mereka lebih memilih cara hidup yang masih sederhana dan selalu dekat dengan alam ,,,,
    namun jngan salah karena mereka juga mempunyai andil dalam menjaga dan melestarikan alam di Indonesia ,,,, karena prinsip hidup mereka yang cinta dengan lingkungannya,,,
    tidak seperti kebanyakan orang ,,,,, hehehehe ......
    good Post Frend .........

  4. nice post fren,indonesian culture is unique =D

  5. wahh Promote the TV Program ik yaa.. :)
    the Ethnic group prefer to Live like that, in a backwardness maybe..
    but it makes them to be struggle, strong, and solve anything by their own way which may "the urban, who advances the technology" can't solve that..
    that is the Uniqueness of Indonesia..
    so, as a Urban we should advance the technology.. and make changes to a better life.. (,")

  6. nice picture...and nice story

    see they can smile with their circumstances.
    everything have good side and bad side.
    based on the your story above,we can also take the lesson that any progress is not necessarily good ...

    many technologies also bring bad consequences for the user if not used properly

  7. sebenarnya indonesia mempunyai banyak kebudayaan yang sangat menarik. mari kita lestarikan bersama-sama jangan kalah dengan orang luar...(tapi malah kita melestarikan kebudayaan luar dari pada kebudayaan kita sendiri?)

  8. nice picture ..... want to go there ..
    about the culture studied borneo fun ... hopefully stay awake.
